Sunday, April 10, 2011

"American Honey" by Lady Antebellum


           Lady Antebellum has become one of my favorite bands recently.  Lady Antebellum is a fairly new band that came into country music, and started with a big bang.  They play in numerous concerts including the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.  One of my favorite songs that they wrote is “American Honey”.   It was a hard choice though because it seems like I love all their songs.  According to the Country Music charts it looks like everyone else does too; considering they have landed numerous number one songs.
            “American Honey” talks about a girl who grew up in a small town, raised by a country family, and enjoys her life and the way it is.  The first part of the song goes like this:” She grew up on a side of the road where the church bells ring and strong love grows, she grew up good she grew up slow, like American honey” (Lady Antebellum).  When I hear this part of the song I think of a good childhood, raised in the country, by a Christian family.  Hearing the first part of this song it reminds me so much of my years throughout school, and growing up.  I have always been raised in a country environment, in a church, and with love from my family.  I think many girls from small towns can relate to this song very easily.
            Lady Antebellum has many songs hit the top of the charts, including this one.  I think one of the reasons a lot of their songs do so well, is because teenagers, young adults, and even adults can relate to them.  They appeal to all ages, and hit home in many different areas.  Just like, “American Honey” hits close to my heart.

1 comment:

  1. I love Lady Antebellum. I know you know that. This is one of my favorite songs too. You are absolutely right they have become so popular because people can really relate to there songs. Lady Antebellum is one of those bands you can hear on the radio and they sound just as good or better in concert. I am so glad that they have come so far from barely even being known. If it wasnt for my mom convincing me to go to the concert three or so years ago I probably wouldnt like them as much as I do today. Great song!
